About Crescent

Headquartered in Belgium and with offices in Europe, the United States and Australia, Crescent specializes in wireless IoT solutions enabling Machine to Machine (M2M) communication.
With more than 25 years of experience and many industry firsts, the Company is ideally positioned to offer efficient, reliable and secure IoT solutions across a variety of industries and applications.
Option partners with system integrators, value added resellers, application platform providers, value added distributors and network operators to bring tailor-made solutions to customers around the world.

Option Engineering Services

Crescent backs its advanced CloudGate IoT solution platform with an extensive engineering consultancy capable of helping you succeed. Our talent and experience have proven extremely effective in helping companies effectively and efficiently develop products.
We work with organizations which seek to leverage our years of specialized wireless communications experience to speed time-to-market, reduce risk and proactively avoid product design and development pitfalls.
Crescent Ventures's Engineering Services and our in-house and state-of-the-art OptionLab, are here to help you recognize and capitalize on market opportunities. From early stage product feasibility assessments, to final product manufacturing, our Engineering Services can support your full range of needs.
For more information, consult www.engineering.option.com

+ Crescent in the community

Crescent supports socio-economic projects both in and outside the company walls. Candidates for support are carefully selected following thorough evaluation of both the ambitions and the technological and innovative qualities of the project.

+ Business Ethics

Crescent is mindful of its responsibility to behave in an ethical manner in the course of pursuing its business goals, and the company, including all its subsidiaries, affiliates and/or consolidated holdings, is committed to the following practices:

We will not invest in any of the following areas:

  • marketing, development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons
  • marketing, development or production of weapons of war or other armaments
  • marketing, development or production of products involving animal fur or animal testing
  • production of strategic parts of weapon systems of any kind
  • marketing, development or production of pornography or products from the sex, hard drugs or tobacco industry

We will not engage in any of the following activities:

  • use of children under the legal age for employment
  • use of forced, bonded or compulsory labour

We will not discriminate against our employees in any of the following areas:

  • on the grounds of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, political opinion, age or nationality
  • on the grounds of pregnancy or maternity leave

We will put into place checks, controls and procedures to ensure all our suppliers and sub-contractors:

  • have ethical standards that do not compromise any of the above
  • have checks, controls and procedures that ensure their suppliers or sub-contractors do not compromise any of the above

Prevention of Corruption
We will include in our distribution and supply agreements anti-bribery standard clauses. Our employment policies outline measures that can and will be taken in order to prevent corruption. Crescent, as a public company and a member of the ETHIBEL Sustainability index, respects the Corporate Governance rules.

+ Environmental responsibility

Throughout its operations, Crescent  recognizes its environmental responsibilities to its staff, shareholders, customers and the general public. To this end we are committed to a continual improvement in the operating environment of our facilities. We maintain and document an Environmental Management System conforming to: ISO 14001: 1996, and take into account all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements, including those of customers and the local operating environment.

Our environmental policy includes the following core principles:

  • communication of our policies both internally and externally
  • commitment to continual improvement in environmental performance
  • taking account of the input of staff, customers, shareholders, government, local authorities, interested third parties and the general public
  • awareness and training on environmental issues so as to create a better environment for all through the reduction, recycling and reuse of waste, optimum usage of resources and elimination of polluting releases into the environment
  • compliance with all applicable regulations and legislation
  • prevention of pollution
  • manufacture in a safe environment of products supplied to customer specifications and requirements

Our management is committed to providing the resources necessary to ensure that the company’s environmental objectives and targets are achieved.

Crescent has done substantial efforts to align customer requests for customization while lowering its ecological footprint. This resulted in our offering of environmentally friendly and highly customizable packaging.

+ Financial calendar

 Financial Calendar 

  Financial Calendar
  Crescent intends to release its financial information in 2022 on the following dates:

Full Year 2021 results and annual report 2021:

Friday April 29, 2022- before market trading

Half year 2022  results & Interim  Financial report:

Friday September 23, 2022  - before market trading

Annual Shareholders Meeting: Tuesday May 31, 2022 - 10h00 CET - Gaston Geenslaan 14, Leuven (Belgium).

  Financiële Agenda
  Crescent heeft de intentie om haar financiële informatie in 2022 op volgende data te publiceren:

Jaarresultaten 2021 en jaarverslag 2021:

vrijdag 29 April, 2022 – voor beurstijd

Half jaar 2022 resultaten en halfjaarlijks financieel verslag:

vrijdag 23 september, 2022  - voor beurstijd

Algemene aandeelhoudersvergadering: dinsdag 31 mei, 2022 - 10u00 CET - Gaston Geenslaan 14, Leuven (België).


+ Financial results

For information dated prior to May 22 2018 - please refer to www.option.com

Voor informatie gedateerd voor 22 mei 2018 - raadpleeg www.option.com

+ Statutory accounts

Statutory Accounts - Enkelvoudige Jaarrekeningen 2020

Statutory Accounts - Enkelvoudige Jaarrekeningen 2019

Statutory Accounts – Enkelvoudige Jaarrekeningen 2018


For information dated prior to May 22 2018 - please refer to www.option.com

Voor informatie gedateerd voor 22 mei 2018 - raadpleeg www.option.com

+ Capital structure NL


(a) Totaal maatschappelijk kapitaal   EUR 11.995.923,06 
(b) Totaal aantal stemrechtverlenende effecten   1.697.689.345
(c) Totaal aantal stemrechten (= de noemer)   1.697.689.345
Aandeelhouder (>3%)   %
(A) Eric Van Zele/Van Zele Holding   28,5%
(B) Alychlo/Marc Coucke/Mylecke   11,8%
(C) Jan Callewaert   7,8%
(D) Danlaw   6,1%

Laatste update: november 2021


+ Capital structure UK


(a) Total share capital EUR 11,995,923.06 
(b) Total number of voting securities 1,697,689,345
(c) Total number of voting rights (= the denominator)


Shareholder (>3%) %
(A) Eric Van Zele/Van Zele Holding 28.5%  
(B) Alychlo/Marc Coucke/Mylecke 11.8%
(C) Jan Callewaert 7.8%
(D) Danlaw 6.1%

Last update:  November 2021




+ Transparency filing

Transparency filing

In accordance with the requirements of the current legislation on the disclosure of major participations in issuers of which shares are admitted to trading on a ‘regulated market’, are any natural or legal person who, directly or indirectly, acquire or resign shares or other voting granting financial instruments of the company, whether or not they represent capital, compulsory by the law applicable at that time, are obliged to inform both the Company and  the FSMA of the number of financial instruments owned as well as the percentage of existing voting rights whenever the voting rights are attached to these financial instruments reach a first time three percent (3%) and then five percent (5%) or a multiple of five percent (5%), exceed or fall below such percentage. The involved shareholders must comply with the statutory requirements and regulations in this regard.


Overeenkomstig de voorschriften van de vigerende wetgeving inzake de`openbaarmaking van belangrijke deelnemingen in emittenten waarvan aandelen zijn toegelaten tot de verhandeling op een gereglementeerde markt', is elke natuurlijke of rechtspersoon die, rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks, aandelen of andere stemrecht verlenende financiële instrumenten van de vennootschap, die al dan niet het kapitaal vertegenwoordigen, verwerft of afstaat, verplicht in de omstandigheden voorzien door de op dat ogenblik toepasselijke wetgeving, zowel de vennootschap als de FSMA kennis te geven van het aantal financiële instrumenten dat hij bezit, alsook het percentage van de bestaande stemrechten, telkens wanneer de stemrechten verbonden aan deze financiële instrumenten een eerste maal drie procent (3%) en vervolgens vijf procent (5%) of een veelvoud van vijf procent (5%) bereiken, overschrijden of beneden zulk percentage zakken. De betrokken aandeelhouders dienen zich te conformeren naar de wettelijke voorschriften ter zake.

    • Declaration of interest / Kennisgeving 2021     
    • Declaration of interest / Kennisgeving 2019

         Download PDF   

    • Declaration of interest / Kennisgeving 2018
         Download PDF   

For information dated prior to May 22 2018 - please refer to www.option.com

Voor informatie gedateerd voor 22 mei 2018 - raadpleeg www.option.com

+ Shareholders’ meetings

Shareholders’ meeting 

Ordinary General Meeting - 31 May 2021



Extraordinary General Meeting - 31 March 2021



Ordinary General Meeting - 29 May 2020

Extraordinary General Meeting - 20 December 2019




Ordinary General Meeting - 20 June 2019

Extraordinary General Meeting - 20 June 2019

Ordinary General Meeting - 15 June 2018

Extraordinary General Meeting - 22 May 2018


For information dated before May 22 2018 - please refer to www.option.com

Voor informatie gedateerd voor 22 mei 2018 - raadpleeg www.option.com

+ By-laws

+ Press releases

Leuven, België – 5 juni 2018 – 12u15 - Crescent (EURONEXT: OPTI; OTC: OPNVY )– heeft op 30 mei 2018 en op 5 juni 2018 een transparantiekennisgeving ontvangen, waaruit blijkt dat de deelnemingsdrempel  van respectievelijk 10% en 3% werd onderschreden. De relevante gegevens van deze transparantiemeldingen zijn als volgt:


Reden van kennisgeving:

Binnen de groep Crescent NV hebben onder meer Alychlo NV en Nannigna Beheer BV op 22 mei 2018 naar aanleiding van een kapitaalverhoging stemrechtverlenende effecten verworven.


Datum van drempeloverschrijding :



Overschreden drempel

Hierdoor overschreden bovenvernoemde aandeelhouders 10% respectievelijk 3%.



Voor de verrichting

Na de verrichting


Alychlo/Marc Coucke/Mylecke             






Nanninga Beheer/Ulfert Nanninga              





Noemer: totaal aantal aandelen



Meer details zijn beschikbaar op de website van CRESCENT:


Overeenkomstig de statuten, werd de drempel vanaf dewelke een deelneming moet worden bekendgemaakt, vastgesteld op 3 %.




Steve Theunissen, General Counsel

Gaston Geenslaan 14

B-3001 Leuven, België

TEL: +32 (0) 16 31 74 11

FAX: +32 (0) 16 31 74 90

E-mail: investor@option.com



Openbaarmaking transparantiekennisgevingen

(artikel 14, eerste lid, van de wet van 2 mei 2007 op de openbaarmaking van belangrijke deelnemingen)



Leuven, België – 1 juni 2018 - 14u00 - CRESCENT (EURONEXT: OPTI; OTC: OPNVY ) publiceert de informatie zoals vereist in artikel 15, § 1 van de Wet van 2 mei 2007 op de openbaarmaking van belangrijke deelnemingen in beursgenoteerde bedrijven.

Informatie per 22 mei 2018:

Totaal maatschappelijk kapitaal: 36.304.321,36 EUR

Totaal aantal stemrechtverlenende effecten: 1.368.839.925

Totaal aantal stemrechten (= de noemer): 1.368.839.925


Meer details zijn beschikbaar op de website van CRESCENT:


 Overeenkomstig de statuten, werd de drempel vanaf dewelke een deelneming moet worden bekendgemaakt, vastgesteld op 3 %.




Steve Theunissen, General Counsel

Gaston Geenslaan 14

B-3001 Leuven, België

TEL: +32 (0) 16 31 74 11

FAX: +32 (0) 16 31 74 90

E-mail: investor@option.com

LEUVEN - België – 22 Mei 2018 – 18u00 CET

De Vennootschap meldt dat de Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering vandaag heeft besloten en ingestemd met de inbreng van financiële schulden (€ 11.300.116,81) in het kapitaal van de Vennootschap enerzijds en de inbreng van 100% van de aandelen van Crescent NV (€ 10.125.000) in het kapitaal, elke keer aan 2 cent per aandeel. De totale inbreng is gebeurd tegen uitgifte van nieuwe aandelen in de Vennootschap. Het kapitaal van de Vennootschap steeg van € 14.879.204.55 voor de transactie naar € 36.304.321,36 achteraf.

De naamswijziging naar "Crescent" is eveneens goedgekeurd.

Hiermee werden quasi alle financiële schulden omgezet in kapitaal en de fusie van beide bedrijven zal leiden tot de ontwikkeling van een bredere industriële basis met focus op IoT toepassingen via het aanbieden van end-end systems en service enabled solutions veel meer dan enkel gateway producten.

Meer details over de transactie worden gepubliceerd in een prospectus van notering overeenkomstig artikel 18, § 2, d Belgische Wet op de openbare aanbieding van beleggingsinstrumenten en de toelating van beleggingsinstrumenten tot de verhandeling op een gereglementeerde markt zoals gewijzigd (de " Prospectuswet ").



Voor meer informatie bij de transactie, contacteer:

Steve Theunissen[1], General Counsel

Investor Relations

Gaston Geenslaan 14

B-3001 Leuven, Belgium

TEL: +32 (0) 16 31 74 11

FAX: +32 (0) 16 31 74 90

E-mail: investor@option.com



OVER Crescent NV

Crescent staat voor ‘Connecting Things to the Cloud’. Met meer dan 25 jaar ervaring en een groot aantal wereldpremières in de mobiele technologie, is Crescent ideaal geplaatst om de meest efficiënte, betrouwbare en veilige draadloze oplossingen te stellen voor de bedrijfswereld (B2B) en industriële markten (M2M). Het bedrijf werkt hiervoor samen met systeemintegratoren, value added resellers, application platform providers, distributeurs met toegevoegde waarde en netwerkoperatoren, om zo op maat gemaakte oplossingen aan eindklanten te kunnen voorstellen. Crescent heeft zijn hoofdkwartier in België en heeft daarnaast kantoren in Europa, VS en Australië. Meer informatie op prior2021.crescent-ventures.com.

Copyright ©2018 OPTION. Alle rechten voorbehouden. Alle product- en bedrijfsnamen hierin kunnen betrekking hebben op (geregistreerde) handelsmerken of handelsnamen.

[1] representing ST Consult BVBA

LEUVEN - Belgium – May 22, 2018 - 18h00 CET


The Company reports that today the Extraordinary General Meeting has decided and approved the contribution of financial debts (€ 11,300,116.81) into the Company's capital on the one hand, and the contribution of 100% of the shares of Crescent NV (€ 10,125,000) on the other hand, each time at 2 cents per share. The total contribution is compensated by a total issue of 1,071,255,834 new shares in the Company. The capital of the Company increased from €14,879,204.55 before transaction to € 36,304,321.36 afterwards.

The name change to “Crescent” was also approved.

The transaction virtually eliminated all financial debts in capital and the merger of both companies will lead to the development of a broader industrial base with focus on IoT applications through the provision of end-end systems and service enabled solutions much more than just gateway products.

More details of the transaction will be published in a listing prospectus pursuant to Article 18, § 2, d Belgian Law of June 16, 2006 on the public offering of securities and the admission of securities to trading on a regulated market as amended (the “Prospectus Law”).



For more information about the transaction, contact:

Steve Theunissen[1], General Counsel

Investor Relations

Gaston Geenslaan 14

B-3001 Leuven, Belgium

TEL: +32 (0) 16 31 74 11

FAX: +32 (0) 16 31 74 90

E-mail: investor@option.com



ABOUT Crescent

Crescent connects Things to the Cloud. With more than 20 years of experience and many industry’s firsts in the wireless industry, the Company is ideally positioned to bring the most efficient, reliable and secure wireless solutions to business markets (B2B) and industrial markets (M2M). The Company partners with system integrators, value added resellers, application platform providers, value add distributors and network operators to bring tailor made solutions to end-customers. Crescent Ventures is headquartered in Belgium and maintains offices in Europe, the US and Australia. More information: prior2021.crescent-ventures.com

Copyright ©2018 Crescent. All rights reserved. All product and company names herein may be (registered) trademarks or trade names.

[1] representing ST Consult BVBA

+ Financial news

+ Annual Reports

+ Half-year reports

+ Board Reports

For information dated prior to May 22 2018 - please refer to www.option.com

Voor informatie gedateerd voor 22 mei 2018 - raadpleeg www.option.com


Board of Directors - Verslag Onafhankelijk Expert  -  Independent Expert Report: UEST NV Fairness opinion on equity valuation at 31 October 2020




Board of Directors - June 4, 2020

+ Governance statement

For information dated prior to May 22 2018 - please refer to www.option.com

Voor informatie gedateerd voor 22 mei 2018 - raadpleeg www.option.com

+ Board of directors

The articles of association stipulate that the Board of Directors is composed of a minimum of three and a maximum of nine members, who are appointed by the general shareholders meeting for a maximum period of six years. The Board of Directors has to contain at least three independent directors.

The Board of Directors is currently composed of four members, namely: Eric Van Zele (Chairman of the Board of Directors), Raju Dandu,  Martine Reynaers and Paul Matthijs.

Eric Van Zele

Mr. Eric Van Zele currently serves as Chairman of Reynaers Aluminium and Crescent NV. He was recently appointed chairman of the E17 network of hospitals and of the Hermes decision committee of The Flemish agency for Innovation and entrepreneurship. He continues to serve as a director of Barco NV. Prior to his current mandates Eric served as president and CEO of Barco NV in Kortrijk from 2009 thru 2016. He served as CEO of Pauwels International (from 2004 thru 2008) and of Telindus nv (2000 thru 2003). Prior to that, he served as Vice President of Raychem Corporation in Menlo park, CA, USA and as Managing Director of Raychem nv in Leuven, Belgium. (1972 thru 1999). He was nominated “Manager of the Year in 2012” and “ICT Personality of 2013”. Eric holds a masters degree in electrical and mechanical engineering from the KUL in Leuven (1972) and postgraduate degrees in management from Stanford University (1992 CA, USA).


Raju Dandu

Mr. Raju S. Dandu is the Founder-Chairman of Danlaw Inc. USA. He is also the Managing Director of Danlaw Technologies India Ltd. He is responsible for strategic planning and corporate management of both companies. Prior to founding Danlaw Inc., he held positions at the University of Iowa hospitals, Ford Motor Company, Dana Corporation and worked as an independent consultant at General Motors.  He holds a bachelors’ degree in electronics engineering from Kakinada, India, a masters in electronics from University of Iowa and an MBA from University of Detroit.


Martine Reynaers

In 1980, Martine started her career as Financial Analyst of Technicon in Paris, a subsidiary of the
American Revlon Group.
In 1982, she was appointed Financial Manager of Wexal International Ltd, an aluminium extrusion
company in Enniscorthy, Ireland.
In 1983, she moved to the Reynaers headquarters in Belgium, where she took up the position of
Financial Manager. From 1986 onwards, Martine has been the Managing Director of Reynaers until
June 2021 when she will retire from this position and take on the role of Chair of the Board.


Paul Matthijs

Next to holding several non-executive advisory positions, Paul Matthijs is COO of Vlerick Business School.  Prior to this, Paul Matthijs  was  CEO of Niko until 2019 and held several senior executive positions in R&D, product management and general management in the Medical Imaging and Entertainment division and the Retail and Advertising Venture of Barco. Mr. Matthijs' career at Barco spanned over 30 years.  He holds a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering and an MBA from the Vlerick Business School.





+ Stock Quotes

Information about the Crescent share price can be found on several websites: